About Us
Musica in Culla® is an educational methodology concerning the global development of boys and girls through music, in the age range 0-6 years. A methodology that is the basis of three extraordinary and inseparable realities, like the branches of the same tree: the training course dedicated to families and schools; the training course dedicated to the various professionals who choose to practice it; the International Association Musica in Culla – Music in Crib® which unites associations and structures from different countries that join and contribute to the development of Musica in Culla®.

Just as children must develop, so must our theories about them and their experience too.
The fruitful tree of Musica in Culla® develops thanks to the solid roots of a pedagogical thought and guiding principles that put the child at the centre, respecting his times, his expressive modalities, his sensitivity and his wonder relating to life and to the world. Research and studies that Musica in Culla® carries out are also of upmost importance, in compliance with the updates suggested by scientific research and the changes in the socio-cultural environment, expressed so well by Stern in his initial quote.
Our Story

A methodology born thanks to the experience, studies and researches of Paola Anselmi who in 1999 went to the United States where she met E. Gordon and B. Bolton, which over the years will become the connection between the American experience, the nascent Musica in Culla® methodology and the Donna Olimpia Popular School, the founding company of the project which today has become an international association made up of more than 30 Italian and Spanish educational – musical realities. The first President of the National Network, Francesco Galtieri, acts in the Donna Olimpia School and the first Scientific Committee is born, in which different and experienced figures participate. Beth Bolton becomes honorary president of the international association and thus establishes a collaboration that still honors us and fills us with joy.
In short, a seed planted by a few but nourished, enriched, watched over by many minds and hearts united by a powerful educational and musical passion.
Today when one thinks of Musica in Culla® one thinks of a large family, whose protagonists are educators, parents, boys and girls, teaching staff, presidents and representatives, coordinators, in short, all those who together allow this tree to grow and become stronger.

Paola Anselmi

Beth Marie Bolton
Consiglio Direttivo

Bianca Albezzano

Paola Del Giudice

Virginia Fiorini

Raffaella Iuvara
Comitato Scientifico

Paola Anselmi

Michal Hefer

Simone Magnoni